Friday, April 25, 2008

Plates 15,16,17 top. detail paintungs for sets of 4 day figures.

Presenting descriptions of these plates. I still have no reading of the detail paintings.

These 20 detail pictures have similarity in groups of five. Each five figures are associated with a complete set of 20 icons; four icons accompany each detail picture.

The first set of five, starting at the bottom right picture, illustrates a piercing of a smaller figure. The center of this set has Miquitzli as the figure performing the piercing.

The second set of five, proceeding clockwise and then to the next row above, show presentations of the smaller figures. The center of this set also has Miquitzli as the figure performing the piercing.

The third set of five, proceeding as before, shows an attachment to the smaller figure which possibly represents an umbilical cord.

The fourth set of five pictures are females nursing the smaller figures, with notable exception of the center figure showing Miquitzli in a bloody confrontaton with a female figure.

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